
For the next two weeks, my class will be focusing on this fun Gingerbread Bundle!  There are so many amazing gingerbread stories out there it is hard to choose so we will do two week’s worth of stories.  For our unit, we will be learning about sequencing a story.  These books are perfect for sequencing because characters continue to join in the chase.  We will also spend some time reviewing our strategy compare and contrast.

To make this unit easier to teach sequencing, last week I spent some time updating them with colorful sequencing sheets I can use in whole group to help them review before going to work on it independently.  
We begin the first day by reading two different gingerbread boy stories from my Gingerbread Boy, Man, Baby & Friends.
We read both the Gingerbread Boy and The Gingerbread Man.  For the first story, we sequence it together and learn the concept with modeling.  After we hear the second story, we work in groups to compare the two with a Venn Diagram.  They do really well with this concept since it is review.  Of course we have to make a little gingerbread boy/man!
On Tuesday we will read, The Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett.  This story is a classic and I never get tired of reading it.  We again work on sequencing as a whole group and then work in smaller groups to complete it independently.  One of my favorite activities to do is create a little house for or gingerbread baby and complete a descriptive writing piece about the house.  
On Wednesday we will read Gingerbread Friends.  We make these cute little friends from above and do a fun friend interview as well.  We also take this day to compare the Gingerbread Baby to Gingerbread Friends.
At the end of the week, we work on two of my other favorite stories, the girl gingerbread stories.
Who doesn’t love this sassy little gingerbread girl!  My favorite part is the twist at the end of the story!  We learn about “Who is Speaking” during a story and review sequencing with our story sequence cards.  We also enjoy making this cute little girl.
We end the week with some delicious animal cracker treats and the fun animal cracker story.  We compare and contrast the two stories and write about the “Lost Gingerbread Girl”.
After this week is over, it is time to introduce our new Reader’s Theater.  There are two different scripts, one for The Gingerbread Boy, and one for The Gingerbread Girl.  There are also songs, chants, and signs they can wear for the theater.  We do this fun little gig for other classes in our school.  It is low key and super cute! 
For the next week, we visit several different version of the original.  I have some new favorites to share with you this year!
From the Gingerbread with a Twist packet,  I LOVE “The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School by Murray!  We make “Wanted” signs  for our missing gingerbread and write a descriptive piece.  I also enjoy reading the other three stories to my students as a read aloud.  We do some whole group sequencing together and then I tie in some activities when I teach small group with my students.  The Gingerbread Cowboy is one of Charlie’s favorite stories to read.  It was her favorite last Christmas when she was only 2.  Who would have guessed that a 2 year old with special needs would love a story like this!  I have read it so many times…. I think I have it memorized.  
Now onto some of my new favorites!!!
Last year I found the book, “Catch that Cookie!”  It is so adorable I had to make a packet for it.  I sell it individually but this year I bundled it with some of my other new favorites!   I made a fun little hunt that the Gingerbread Man takes our class on and ends with a little cookie treat in our room! 
This year I discovered another amazing story that is a “sequel” to “The Gingerbread Man Loose in School”.  It is called, “The Gingerbread Man Loose at Christmas”.  When I read this book I just LOVED it.  What I liked most about the story was how it talks about the true meaning of Christmas and that is doing things for other people.  This will go perfectly with my Kindness Elf Project.
For this book we will sequence the story, discuss random acts of kindness, work on rhyming and make this fun little guy.  I love how his feet were dipped in dark chocolate so they didn’t fall apart in the rain!
Finally, I will read a new story by Jan Brett called “Gingerbread Christmas”.  This is not part of any gingerbread packets, it is bundled with my Jan Brett Christmas packet.  I love how she brought back The Gingerbread Baby and Matti!  
For this final story we will sequence and work on retelling a story!   
I hope you were able to gather some ideas for your upcoming Gingerbread Unit!  I look forward to a great two weeks!



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I’m Megan, a first grade teacher and a mother to 7 amazing children. I love to create and collaborate with teachers. When I’m not teaching, I love spending time with my family, baking and playing tennis.

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