We spent our first week back from Thanksgiving break on gingerbread stories. There are so many old and new stories, I decided to spend two weeks on all of the different versions, I just couldn’t decide.
On the first day we read two classic stories, The Gingerbread Boy by Galdone and The Gingerbread Man by Aylesworth. First we read and sequenced “The Boy” story. We also made a fun class book to put in our library. Then we read the second story and use the cards below to compare and contrast the two stories.
I gave students sets of sorting cards and rings to work in groups and sort together. They then recorded some of their answers on the paper Venn Diagram.
The second day was all about “The Gingerbread Baby” by Jan Brett. We sequenced again and made another class book. We used the colorful sequencing cards together before the kids went and did it independently. I had students line up with their cards and read the card they had to the other children. We all worked together to put them in order. They really enjoyed doing this.
In the middle of the week, we read “Gingerbread Friends” by Jan Brett. We practiced sequencing by doing beginning, middle, and end. We hadn’t done this in awhile and I was shocked at how much they have grown. At the beginning of the year I was getting a picture with maybe one word. Now they are writing sentence or paragraphs.
Then we did a super fun activity where we interviewed a friend and wrote about them. They loved working with their friends. Of course they wanted to choose their friends but after discussion we thought it would be fun to learn about someone new so we did a random generator and it worked out great. Then we made our gingerbread friends.
Next up that fifty girl! She is so fun and we love the twist at the end of the story. Of course we had to make some gingerbread girls!
Finally we ended the week with The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers. You can’t read this story with enjoying a few animal crackers. Once we practiced our sequencing, we compared it to The Gingerbread Girl using a Venn Diagram!
We had a great week. If you liked these activities, you can find them all bundled up in my gingerbread bundle.