Lions, Hippos, Giraffes, Oh My!

Lions, Hippos, Giraffes, Oh My! - First Grade Roars!

Who doesn’t love student-centered learning, especially at this time of year.  This week we were learning about mammals and doing so using safari mammals.  We split up into 5 groups and worked on it a little each day!  First up reading to each other,  learning through literature.

After they read real literature, they were given mini booklets that I created for each animal.  In first grade I like to give them paper books occasionally so they can highlight, circle and write in them to help gather information.  They used this book and their literature books to work on a little part of the project each day.  I love to mix fiction and non-fiction together so here are a few of the books that I read to them throughout the week and some of the non-fiction literature they used.

At the end of the week,  they had to choose what they wanted represented on their posters and each student needed to be represented.  Once they made their choices and created their animals, we glued it all together and they presented.  I have to admit with testing going on and the lack of chrome books the past two weeks, this has been a little more difficult but we have managed.  Here are some close-ups of their finished projects.

Once they presented their group work, I wanted an assessment of what they learned individually as well.  So I gave them a little report project to work on independently.  Keep in mind, we have done several of these so they know the projects inside/out.  They did a nice job and I was able to see what they learned from their individual work as well.
Here are some pictures of the inside of the reports!  I love their drawings and inventive spelling!  While some people cringe when things aren’t spelled perfectly I adore it!  It only lasts so long.  I guess that’s why I teach first grade!
I used the bundle product for the week but I do sell the animals individually if you ever wanted to just learn about 1 animal.  Check it out!
We used my science packet on mammals to learn their traits!
Since my room is jungle themed and my students were learning about safari mammals, I made my Mother’s Day Event called, “Wild About Mom”.  We used this week as an opportunity to get ready for them next Friday and we made a giraffe and zebra craft to go with our writing for our mothers. 
You may notice that my middle project is a little different.  I have a student with special needs that is not exactly writing yet so I modified this for her.  The paper says we are roaring over you so she made the cutest roaring face!
For the zebra modification, we traced her hand and she colored it in!  
I will display these on the tables for the moms when they come.  
For more about this fun event, check out my “Wild about Mom” packet.
I have taken non-fiction information about safari animals and related it to our moms for a fun reader’s theater.  I have headbands, crafts, 3 fun songs and other ideas  to make this event very memorable.
I hope you enjoyed a peek at our week!
Charlie says “peace out”!



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I’m Megan, a first grade teacher and a mother to 7 amazing children. I love to create and collaborate with teachers. When I’m not teaching, I love spending time with my family, baking and playing tennis.

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