100th Day Full of Memories

100th Day Full of Memories - First Grade Roars!
Today was a very fun day for my first graders as we celebrated our 100th day.  In typical fashion my students came dressed in the cutest 100th day shirts.  I know some bring in collections but we choose to wear our collection.  Here is a sneak peek at some of them.
The night before I prepare all of the activities.  I set them up on my back table and then they are ready to go.  This table has been one of my favorite parts of my room.  My brother actually built it for our family cottage.  Since we are selling it, I got to grab it for my classroom.
I also do a few things with my students, the night before. First, we read “The Night Before the 100th Day of School” by Natasha Wing.  
Then,  we make our head bands so we can wear them for our parade first thing in the morning.
Finally, we prepare a folder so we can  collect all of our work the next day.  This little goodie is a fun freebie you can grab today.  You could use it for the folder like I did but it is also a great way to sort a collection or make a collection.  I copied both pages onto 1 piece of 11X17  paper and then folded it and stapled it to a 12×18 piece of construction paper.
Grab your freebie by clicking the photos.
As the students arrived, they were greeted with a fun door sign.  I decided on the emoji’s since they are so popular amongst the kids.  After the announcements, we went on a school wide parade.  We walk through the classrooms and show off all of our hard work, (the parents too)! 
For most of the day we do centers or rotations.  We do many math, reading and writing activities.  Here are a few of the math activities. 

The students love working together and completing these activities.
We also enjoy this puzzle activity.  It is just a 100 grid on color paper cut apart in pieces.
Then we move onto  reading and writing activities. 

 Students are seeing what they can do in 100 seconds using the timer.
In the morning we had this adorable snack that one of my parents sent in.  

In the afternoon, we made our own 100th day snack and then did a little writing about it.
 There are many wonderful books to read for the 100th day.  This year I chose to read 100 Days of School by Trudy Harris.  
This story was perfect for our week because we are learning about cause and effect.  I made this worksheet up last night and my students did a great job with this activity.
Grab this freebie too by clicking the photos!
We also have a few fun crafts for the day.  I print their picture in black and white.  It is hard to tell on this paper but after they cut out their head, they roll up their picture into a crumpled ball,  This makes the photo look wrinkly.  Then they add white or gray hair by tearing the paper.  They are hilarious. 

Next we write about our “beary” special day. 
Finally, we ended the day with these certificates. They come in color or black and white.
If you enjoyed these activities, you can GRAB THEM HERE!


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I’m Megan, a first grade teacher and a mother to 7 amazing children. I love to create and collaborate with teachers. When I’m not teaching, I love spending time with my family, baking and playing tennis.

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