Teaching students basic life skills with social and emotional learning is so important. In this unit, students will work on learning when it is appropriate to speak up for themselves, others, and things that aren’t right, part of the self-awareness SEL standard. This unique curriculum will take your students on an adventure to different towns where they will learn about social and emotional skills.
This unit discusses the importance of speaking up for yourself, and others at home, school, and in the community. This unit comes with a story about the town Speak Up, scenarios or problems to solve, activities, a passport, stamps for the passport, a parent connect letter, and more. These primary lesson plans were created so there is little prep for the teacher. Simply project the Googles Slides and make your way through the lesson. The only prep you will have is copying the extension activities if you choose to use them. In fact, these would be perfect for a short morning meeting each day! YouTube audio versions of the books are included as well as links to short videos and songs.
A3: Demonstrate awareness of and willingness to seek help for self or others.
A4: Demonstrate the sense of personal responsibility, confidence, and advocacy.
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©Megan Mitchell