Teaching students basic life skills with social and emotional learning is so important. In this unit, students will work on problem solving. It is part of the Responsible Decision Making SEL standard. This unique curriculum will take your students on an adventure to different towns where they will learn about social and emotional skills.
This unit discusses big problems, small problems, problems we can and can not control, making choices, and using coping strategies. This unit comes with a story about the town, “Problem Solving”, scenarios or problems to solve, activities, a passport, stamps for the passport, a parent connect letter, and more. These primary lesson plans were created so there is little prep for the teacher. Simply project the Googles Slides and make your way through the lesson. The only prep you will have is copying the extension activities if you choose to use them. In fact, these would be perfect for a short morning meeting each day!
Responsible Decision Making
E1: Develop, implement and model effective decision and critical thinking skills.
E2: Identify potential outcomes to make constructive decisions. (personal choices will impact the outcome of a situation)
E3: Consider the ethical and civic impact of decisions.
E4: Explore and approach new situations with an open mind and curiosity while recognizing that some outcomes are not certain or comfortable.
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©Megan Mitchell