Zebra Activities Nonfiction Reading Unit

This mini-unit on zebras is a perfect little unit to introduce these jungle mammals. There is a mini book provided that you can copy 2 per page to teach your students some basic zebra facts. Then you can use the book to make writing connections and write a little report. There are 2 zebra craft options with some fiction text connections too. These fun zebra activities will help your students become zebra experts!


Zebra activities included:

  • Fact vs. Opinion
  • Printable Mini Booklet, copy two per page
  • Adaptations
  • Writing Activities (Opinion, Informative, Fill in the Blank, Can, Have, & Are Chart)
  • Mini Report Template – 6 pages
  • 2 zebra craft ideas
  • Fiction Text Connection: “What if the Zebras Lost Their Stripes” by John Reitano

©Megan Mitchell