A Letter from Your Teacher on the Last Day of School Activities

A Letter from Your Teacher on the Last Day of School written by Shannon Olsen and illustrated by Sandie Sonke is a wonderful story to read on the last day. This story lets the children know they will always hold a special place in your heart and helps you say goodbye. This set includes memory jars bulletin board activity, some comprehension strategies, a class book activity, sorting, and bookmarks.


A Letter from Your Teacher on the Last Day of School activities included:

  1. Use large chart paper and put the sign “Memories we made in class.” Brainstorm all the things you did throughout the year together or give each child a sticky note to add a favorite memory. Use the chart to have students go back and make a list of their favorites.
  2. Sort what was mentioned in the story and what was not. Circle any of the things on either side that the class did that year.
  3. Have the students write a letter to the teacher. Have the students write a letter to a future student. Hang up for open house the following year.
  4. Make a text-to-self connection. What did this story remind them of from their life?
  5. What was the message, what was the author trying to say to the readers?
  6. Make a class book for future students. Use the pages provided.
  7. Make end of the year Memory Jars to take home.

©Megan Mitchell