A Letter from Your Teacher on the First Day of School Activities

A Letter from Your Teacher on the First Day of School written by Shannon Olsen and illustrated by Sandie Sonke is a wonderful story to read on the first day. This story lays out expectations and lets children know what to expect about being in their new classroom. This set includes all about me pennants banner bulletin board activity, some comprehension strategies, a class book activity, and a fun graphing activity.


A Letter from Your Teacher on the First Day of School activities included:

  1. Read the story and sort the things the Teacher can do and the things the students can do on a pocket chart using a pocket chart. Then have the children do a paper-pencil version. Groups work well for this activity.
  2. Make a class book for your library to learn more about your students.
  3. Complete the student survey to get to know your students. Do this survey and compare at the end of the year.
  4. Morning Greeting Survey. Ask 10 friends and cross off a circle once you ask a friend. Complete the tally chart, questions, and graph together.
  5. Do a pocket chart survey. For the black and white version, have the children color the card they want and write their name in the open bottom space. For the color version, laminate and have them complete the survey and reuse each year.
  6. Author’s Purpose or Point of View worksheets
  7. All About Me Pennants for hallway or bulletin board display. Copy on color paper and hang up. Use the buttons as an accent in between them. Bulletin Board letters say, “I’m Glad You Are Here!”

©Megan Mitchell